Rose came for two weeks. She came to see everyone, but she was also here for my graduation, which was awesome! About five years ago, Mom decided to try and find out who her birth mom was and a little bit more about her history. She put her name on a website, and Rose found her very quickly. If I remember correctly, Rose had been trying to find someone for a long time. Rose is mom's half sister who was also given up for adoption right after birth twelve years before mom. Eventually, they also found their birth mom, Phyllis. In the spring of 2006, Rose flew out with her best friend Kanoe, and we all met each other. Since then, we all have gotten to know and love Rose so much! In October of 2008, she was in Myrtle Beach for a work conference, and we went to the beach for a week to see her. Mom has traveled out to Colorado, where she lives, a few times. Too bad she doesn't live just a smidgen closer, but when she soon retires, she might just hop on over to the east coast!
Before Rose flew out to go home, we took her down to VCU to show her where I would be next year (she flew out of Richmond, so we were right by). Man was it HOT outside. Hot and very humid!

Last week we ventured on down to VCU, where I will be at school in the fall. When we were there for a tour, I took a picture with Ryan on the V, and it seemed only fitting to get Evan in the pictures as well. The U is somewhat larger than the other letters, but it's still cute. It will be interesting to see where this little man will be in 18 years, as he ventures into his own future and college.

This is where I will be--the Honors College Dorms. It's a pretty sweet deal, because I do have my own room/bathroom. The building used to be an old hospital, so each of the rooms are like patient rooms. I am on the fifth floor :)

Even sweeter are the eating options right across the street. Mhmm... Chipotle and Panera. Also right across the street they are building a parking deck, and under it will be a Chili's restaurant. Delicious.

This is the life sciences building...I'll probably be spending just a little bit of my time here ;)

Rose and I with the "V".

At the airport, holding her little man for the last time in a while! She was sad to leave him!!

Rose and me, her favorite neice!

Mom and Rose--what a crazy, fun story they have!
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