Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fire Pit

In early May, Dad and Gray (and the little kids too) built a fire pit. We have had a cheap one from Walmart for a while now, but it rusted and broke from all of its use. Dad has been wanting to build one of his own for a while now, so he finally did! Also, mom read somewhere that a large family had built some of their fondest memories around a fire pit simply talking for hours, so she really likes them as well.

So far we've used it for foil dinners, s'mores (duh), and Gray used it to burn a stuffed animal that he bought for a girl. The girl didn't really work out. :)

They ran to Lowe's to get all those cinderblocks!

Rachel helped--this really cute picture is only slightly deceiving!

Carefully laying out the bricks so that enough oxygen would be able to reach the flames.

Of course the only way to celebrate the building of an awesome fire pit is to make Foil Dinners! They were so good. The last few didn't finish cooking until around 11 pm on a Sunday night. It was the same night the nation heard about Osama's Death.

The family with the pit! It will definitely get a lot of use this summer!

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