Mom babysits a four month old three times a week. Naturally, I hold him and play with him a lot, because I love babies and little kids. On numerous occasions when we are out, people have asked if he was mine, and have even just assumed.
Back in December, I went with mom to her work Christmas Party at the hospital. Everyone she works with was there, and I was holding the baby. On our way out, one of the doctors asked me if the baby was mine. Um, no. Definitely not. If he was, I would be dead.
Then I went to my Jefferson Scholarship Interview in Charlottesville, and he came along. We went to Subway, and the manager/worker kept talking about how cute "my" baby was and how he loved his mommy (he was weird, very creepy). Not my baby.
Then Friday I went to Bryce's first grade award ceremony. I was holding the baby and playing with him. Some random lady came up to my mom and asked her if he was my kid. No, no it is not.
I will not be having kids for a while. Thanks, though.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Snow Day
Last night we got some snow, somewhere around three inches. In Virginia, a centimeter will cancel school, so we all knew we would not be going to school today. I am glad, because I will be working on scholarship applications the rest of the day. Hopefully I will be slightly productive. This little guy right here has decided to help me :)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Mutual Theme 2011
We Believe.
We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent,
virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say
that we follow the admonition of Paul--We believe all things,
we hope all things, we have endured many things,
and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything
virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy,
we seek after these things.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Oh (Another) Brother!
God thinks we need one more boy in this house, so come June 4th, we will welcome another little boy into this house :) Brother number 6 (did you read that...SIX).
Everyone except for Gray and Rachel went to Richmond for mom's doctors appointment. Everyone was really excited. What mom and dad really wanted was to know the baby was healthy, and it was. But, we all were hoping for a little girl if we had the choice. It just would have been fun to have pink, bows, tights, little dresses, dolls, nail polish, etc... back in the house rather than soccer balls, Hot Wheels cars, and video games :)
As the ultrasound tech was looking at everything, she was stopping and pointing out the kidneys, the feet, the legs, the arms, the spine, the stomach... everything but the gender. Suzanne and I were waiting and it was really, really quiet. We were SO wanting it to be a girl. The tech asked mom and dad if they wanted to know the gender. They said yes, and the tech said it's going to be a little boy. Quiet. Then the boys quietly shared their excitement, and us girls held back our tears.
In reality, another little boy will be fun, and we are all still very VERY excited for another little baby in the house! Our little friend we watch will have a little playmate! Little boy clothes are very, very cute and babies are fun no matter what! The brain and heart are perfectly fine, and the health of the baby was really the main concern. There is a little excess fluid in his right kidney, but no big deal. Ryan's ultrasound showed the same thing!
For anyone who knows my parents, name picking is extremely difficult. It took three weeks to name my sister Rachel and a week and a half just to name our DOG. With a boy, however, we know the middle name will definitely be GRAY and the last name, of course, KEMMEY. Now to choose a first name...
Still very VERY excited! I cannot wait until June 4th to hold this little brother! It will be hard to go off to college when he is only three months old!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
My aunt Sheri bought the little boys some Bendaroos over Christmas break. They are strings covered with wax, so they stick together, bend, mold into things, etc... Ryan still has his and he loves them. You can definitely tell they are used, however, because they have dog hair and dust stuck to them. Time for some new bendaroos.
We made some creations after dinner, just for your entertainment!
We made some creations after dinner, just for your entertainment!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
In The Past Week
This week has been weird.
It was exam week. Monday through Thursday, two exams a day, followed by early release at 11:15. No school on Friday. I did pretty well on exams, and I am happy with all of my semester grades.
Tuesday I had my Jefferson Scholarship Interview, which went ok. You can never really tell what interviewers are thinking. Especially when there are seven of them drilling questions at you with only a head nod in between. Eh, we'll see how that went.
I had college applications to finish. I finally submitted my last two to Mary Washington and Virginia Tech! :) Now it is just scholarship applications.
I was asked to give a talk tomorrow morning at church. Topic: service for others. Can I tell you how not motivated I am to write it?
I got really mad at my dad, halfway unjustly, but because I am so stubborn I still think I am halfway right. And he was still willing to help with my college essays, while he was sick, after I waited until THE last minute, and after getting mad at him. Man do I have a nice dad.
My camera lens broke AND my mom's camera is broken too. No cameras = no pictures = not very good in this house. I need a new lens, but they are expensive and I am about to be a poor college student in a few short months and I need to save my babysitting money. Lens will have to wait.
I realized how excited I am that my senior year is halfway over and I cannot wait to go to college (or stay for college). Whatever works out best. I am excited nonetheless :)
Mom finds out whether baby 09 is a boy or a girl. I'm voting girl. Mom's voting boy, but only because she doesn't want to be too bummed if it actually is a boy :). Almost everyone is thinking girl. Gray and dad vote for a girl. Ryan, of course he wants a boy.
Ryan took his own picture with our webcam and uploaded it to facebook by himself (he's four. please tell me what other four year olds you know do that).
My aunt got accepted into a year long master's program in Texas, so once again my dad's family are far away from us starting June.
Suzanne dyed her hair again. It is more red now. RED.
I have a new goal: scriptures every day. I was thinking... Over Christmas, I finished four seasons of the show Psych. Since going back to school, I have finished 2 seasons of Bones. I can certainly read scriptures for twenty minutes or so each day.
I have me a talk to write.
It was exam week. Monday through Thursday, two exams a day, followed by early release at 11:15. No school on Friday. I did pretty well on exams, and I am happy with all of my semester grades.
Tuesday I had my Jefferson Scholarship Interview, which went ok. You can never really tell what interviewers are thinking. Especially when there are seven of them drilling questions at you with only a head nod in between. Eh, we'll see how that went.
I had college applications to finish. I finally submitted my last two to Mary Washington and Virginia Tech! :) Now it is just scholarship applications.
I was asked to give a talk tomorrow morning at church. Topic: service for others. Can I tell you how not motivated I am to write it?
I got really mad at my dad, halfway unjustly, but because I am so stubborn I still think I am halfway right. And he was still willing to help with my college essays, while he was sick, after I waited until THE last minute, and after getting mad at him. Man do I have a nice dad.
My camera lens broke AND my mom's camera is broken too. No cameras = no pictures = not very good in this house. I need a new lens, but they are expensive and I am about to be a poor college student in a few short months and I need to save my babysitting money. Lens will have to wait.
I realized how excited I am that my senior year is halfway over and I cannot wait to go to college (or stay for college). Whatever works out best. I am excited nonetheless :)
Mom finds out whether baby 09 is a boy or a girl. I'm voting girl. Mom's voting boy, but only because she doesn't want to be too bummed if it actually is a boy :). Almost everyone is thinking girl. Gray and dad vote for a girl. Ryan, of course he wants a boy.
Ryan took his own picture with our webcam and uploaded it to facebook by himself (he's four. please tell me what other four year olds you know do that).
My aunt got accepted into a year long master's program in Texas, so once again my dad's family are far away from us starting June.
Suzanne dyed her hair again. It is more red now. RED.
I have a new goal: scriptures every day. I was thinking... Over Christmas, I finished four seasons of the show Psych. Since going back to school, I have finished 2 seasons of Bones. I can certainly read scriptures for twenty minutes or so each day.
I have me a talk to write.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
West Point vs. Naval Academy
On Christmas Day, we drove down to Virginia Beach. Coincidentally, Grandpa was wearing his Naval Academy shirt. Gray and I had both brought our shirts, and decided to go switch them out in the car for this opportune photo! Suzanne would have joined us, but she was barfing her guts out at the time.
Andrew just got back into school not even two full weeks ago. He is already using one of his passes to come home this three day weekend. Goodbye, Gray. We'll see you again on Tuesday.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
19 Weeks
Mom is 19 weeks tomorrow, and we are so close to finding out the gender! Mom goes to Richmond for her level 2 ultrasound on Monday the 17th. Everyone is hoping for a GIRL. Just one more week until we find out for sure!
Mom's felt the baby move a little bit here and there, but it is a pretty lazy little guy. She's wearing only maternity clothes right now, and last week she went to church in pants because she didn't have any maternity skirts. She gave away all of her maternity and baby clothes two summers ago, because at the time she wasn't planning on anymore :) So here she is, 19 weeks along sporting this cute pink maternity top and stretchy pants.
Mom, 19 weeks
These next two pictures are just to compare. The first she is 19 weeks, the last one was from before Christmas at 15 weeks.
Mom's felt the baby move a little bit here and there, but it is a pretty lazy little guy. She's wearing only maternity clothes right now, and last week she went to church in pants because she didn't have any maternity skirts. She gave away all of her maternity and baby clothes two summers ago, because at the time she wasn't planning on anymore :) So here she is, 19 weeks along sporting this cute pink maternity top and stretchy pants.
These next two pictures are just to compare. The first she is 19 weeks, the last one was from before Christmas at 15 weeks.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Christmas Eve Happenings
Every year we spend Christmas Eve with some of our really great family friends, but this year with everyone sick we couldn't go (we gone for probably close to 10 years). We had to find some ways to occupy ourselves on Christmas Eve this year!
When mom was a little girl growing up, she always did puzzles with my grandma, so mom bought a 500 piece puzzle of Rockefeller Plaza. She also bought a little 50 piece puzzle for Ryan. Naturally, the boys weren't too thrilled about building puzzles; rather, they wanted to run off and play electronics and video games. Once we really got the puzzles going they were more interested. Everyone left me and I ended up doing the majority of the 500 piecer by myself. I stayed up until 2:45 am, but it was finished!
All of the us working on the puzzle. Dad even got into it for a few minutes (until Gray turned on Little Shop of's favorite)
The boys and their little 50 piece puzzle of Santa's sleigh

Our family, like many others, has the Christmas Eve pajamas tradition. Every Christmas Eve we look forward to getting our new pair of Christmas pajamas!

When mom was a little girl growing up, she always did puzzles with my grandma, so mom bought a 500 piece puzzle of Rockefeller Plaza. She also bought a little 50 piece puzzle for Ryan. Naturally, the boys weren't too thrilled about building puzzles; rather, they wanted to run off and play electronics and video games. Once we really got the puzzles going they were more interested. Everyone left me and I ended up doing the majority of the 500 piecer by myself. I stayed up until 2:45 am, but it was finished!
Since Gray is working at Subway now, he had to work on Christmas Eve from 12 until close (at 10). Mom was going to cook a nice Christmas Eve ham and all the works, but we all decided it would be a lot of fun to go see Gray and eat Subway instead. Andrew even came over to comfort his best friend through his suffering.
Our family, like many others, has the Christmas Eve pajamas tradition. Every Christmas Eve we look forward to getting our new pair of Christmas pajamas!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
My blog is under construction. I am trying to change everything around, but it is not working 100% the way I wanted it to, especially with my dumb pictures. Once I get all of my pictures figured out, I will update about Christmas (maybe).
So far I have gotten accepted into George Mason University and BYU-Idaho. I have an interview on Tuesday with the Jefferson Scholarship Program at UVA (eek!). The Jefferson Scholarship awards a full ride to UVA! I had to first be nominated out of all of the students at my high school who submitted their resumes, then complete an application for the scholarship, so I am pretty excited that I now have an interview! That is slightly exciting :). I have to finish applying to University of Mary Washington and Virginia Tech, and I am waiting to hear from BYU-Provo, VCU, and UVA.
Mom started watching the CUTEST little boy for one of her friends. He is three months old and the cutest baby boy in the world. He is definitely tiding me over until June 4th when mom has her baby! I waste a lot of potentially productive time holding that little guy and playing with him. Irresistible.
Exam week starts tomorrow. My Micro Economics FINAL is on Friday--I can't wait to be done! End of the nine weeks is Friday as well, so I better get this homework done! :)
So far I have gotten accepted into George Mason University and BYU-Idaho. I have an interview on Tuesday with the Jefferson Scholarship Program at UVA (eek!). The Jefferson Scholarship awards a full ride to UVA! I had to first be nominated out of all of the students at my high school who submitted their resumes, then complete an application for the scholarship, so I am pretty excited that I now have an interview! That is slightly exciting :). I have to finish applying to University of Mary Washington and Virginia Tech, and I am waiting to hear from BYU-Provo, VCU, and UVA.
Mom started watching the CUTEST little boy for one of her friends. He is three months old and the cutest baby boy in the world. He is definitely tiding me over until June 4th when mom has her baby! I waste a lot of potentially productive time holding that little guy and playing with him. Irresistible.
Exam week starts tomorrow. My Micro Economics FINAL is on Friday--I can't wait to be done! End of the nine weeks is Friday as well, so I better get this homework done! :)
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