Friday, May 25, 2007

Bla, Bla, Bla

The baby turned one today. He is so cute! Mom had to work, so we are going to do his little cake tomorrow. He is so cute. However, he still doesn't sleep very well , which is annoying sometimes.
All the little kids that I babysit are so easy to put to bed. All I have to do is make them a bottle, hold them for 5-10 minutes, lay them in their bed around 8, and walk out. My baby brother doesn't fall asleep until 10 or 11.

Last week, my mom's friend came over and helped us do our flower beds since we have no clue what to do. However, for some reason, everything we touch dies. I'm trying to keep everything alive, but it never works for me except it did one time when I was in fifth or sixth grade, I don't remember. We ate this watermelon one summer day, and I had all the black seeds on my plate. At the time there was nothing in the flower beds, so I decided to try and plant them. I planted three just to experiment, but I completely forgot about them. So a couple weeks later my brother was mowing and weed-whacking when he saw this huge vine and little green circular shapes. He called Dad and he informed us that it was a watermelon plant. Anyway, no one knew where it came from and I piped up and said I had planted a few a couple weeks ago. Amazingly, they actually grew and I never really even watered them! There was another time when I was growing pumpkins, but that is a different story, and the story didn't end so well.

This past week I have been trying to get my hair cut. On Monday when Mom picked me up, we went, but the lady that cuts Mom's hair was busy for the rest of the day, so we didn't get it cut. The next day Mom called and got an appointment for Thursday at 5. I was really excited because I haven't really gotten my hair cut since the summer of 2005. So I came home from school and asked Mom when we were going to leave and she told me that the lady quit! She went to work at a different salon, and so I have to wait until either Tuesday, Wednesday, or maybe even Thursday.

My fifteen year old brother, Mom, and I went to Old Navy today. Mom was looking for these shirts that you wear in the pool to block the UV rays or something to help prevent skin cancer. Dad asked her to look for them because us kids spend the majority of the summer at the pool, and it is completely in the sun. Back to what I was saying. She took my brother and I with her to look for some summer clothes. A lot of the shirts were on clearance, so I got two, and some flip-flops. My brother thinks I have to many flip-flops, but you can never have enough! Shorts and capris are too expensive so I didn't get any yet. They are like 30 bucks, and that is too much money for me to spend!

I only have one more SOL and I am so happy! They are such a pain in the butt. Anyway, we have a three day weekend which means more sleep for me!!! Only 8 more days of school left. Summer can't come soon enough.

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