Next we were able to tour the life sciences building which was pretty interesting. Different professors showed us their labs and the different types of research they were about to do. Some were extremely interesting, like one where we could actually see (under a microscope) a frog embryo developing and the cells dividing and a frog laying eggs. Other labs included information about population genetics, and the professor goes on trips to foreign countries to collect various specimens, and the undergrads can go into various surrounding areas and labs to do research. One professor was using mice to study asthma, which was pretty neat. Interesting things like that!
After the tour, we went to get our bus passes for the city bus we get to use. Maybe one day I will, ha. We then walked to Belle Isle which Google Maps says is 2.2 miles away on foot. It was hot! Belle Isle used to be an old prisoner of war camp back in the Civil War, but in the 1970s it was turned into a park right along the James River, and everyone uses it for summer fun, festivals, etc. We waded in there and enjoyed the cooler water.
After we walked back to campus, a few of us went to Chipotle for dinner... the leftovers are in my fridge for tomorrow of the next night! I love that place, and it is conveniently located right across from my dorm!
After dinner we watched White Chicks with over half of us, and then decided to hook up someone's Wii to the giant TV. We played Mario Kart, and then Super Smash Bros. Very fun!
One of the girls in the group mentioned it was my birthday today, and then everyone sang Happy Birthday, haha. Then we decided to head over to Coldstone Creamery and get a cake. Everyone bought us a cookies and cream cake that said, "Happy Birthday Megan". Two guys ran across the street and grabbed some candles. We got back to the dorm, went up the elevator, and were ready to eat cake when the fire alarm went off for a drill. Haha. We were in the middle of disassembling the Wii and also preparing for cake, so we go to Monroe Park with the Wii cords and system, and a Coldstone cake. We finally got back, everyone sang happy birthday, we ate cake, and then talked until 1:30. It was a fun night and still managed to celebrate the birthday a little!