Has Arrived!!!
Baby Kemmey was born tonight at 10:33 pm. He weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and was 21 inches long. He was the first little man to come out with dark hair! Mom did GREAT--she's basically a pro by now. Baby was out within two contractions worth of pushing. Amazing. Thanks to all the wonderful doctors, nurses, friends, and family! He is so cute and will be so spoiled!
The official name will probably Evan, but still there is no decision.
Pictures are from cell phones, so they are small--more pictures to come.

I am so lucky to have another little brother and sibling. He is so loved already by all of us. I love my family so much, and am so thankful that we will truly be a family forever! Congrats mom and dad--you are the best parents in the world!
Yeah! So happy to find out the great news so soon!
Welcome to the world Kemmey #9!
The Levi Neighbors!
Wow! Thanks for sharing pics so soon! Hope everyone is doing well, thinking of all of you!
Les and Kelly Snyder
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