I will be a VCU Ram (I didn't even have a clue what their mascot was until my friend told me... school spirit, right). I was accepted into the honors college, meaning I will have my own room, my own bathroom, priority registration for classes, live in honors housing, and other random perks. One of my FAVORITE things about VCU is that it is so close to home! I will only be one hour away from my family, which is great because the new baby will be here in just about two months! Another thing that drew me to VCU was their MCV campus and guaranteed admission to their medical school (if I apply for it) after I finish my bachelors degree. Right now I am headed the biology route, but who knows if that's what I will stick with! The only downside to VCU, which really made me hesitate at first, was the LDS setting. We (Dad, Mom, Gray, and I) actually went down and visited the ward I will be in while at school. The singles ward has about two dozen undergrads at VCU, FHE every week, Institute three differeant nights, firesides, activities, temple trips, etc... All in all, it was very promising, and I am definitely glad that the church is strong down there!

Because I made my decision, it means I heard back from everyone else. Just for personal records:
I applied to George Mason University, UVA, VCU, University of Mary Washington, Virginia Tech, BYU-Utah, and BYU-Idaho. I was accepted to all of them, and I received scholarships from everywhere but UVA and Virginia Tech. I applied for UVA's full ride and ended up competing for it, but didn't get it. I was accepted as an Echol's Scholar, however. I was given honors acceptance in each school. I would say it was a pretty successful college journey this year!
I am so glad to have finally made a decision. I know where I will be in the fall, which feels great. I have honors orientation in mid-June (so soon!) where I choose my classes. Crazy! And I have only eight more weeks of school until I am done. Eight. More. Weeks.
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