Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A lot can change in 8 months

Eight months have flown by since I got home from Chile. I purposefully tried to keep myself really busy, especially since I wasn't jumping back into school right away. I started working. I took an EMT class for a few months, and am now a certified EMT. I began volunteering with the county's rescue squad, which has been an awesome experience, and one I'll keep doing. I taught gospel doctrine for church, which was awesome and always filled my Saturday nights and Sunday mornings. I started dating someone, which was a little unexpected. I started getting things ready to go back into Nursing School, and started a new job in the hospital.

So now, we are halfway through September and I cannot believe how quickly time has flown. I am finally back in school full-swing, and I am just so ready to be done with everything that school entails--tests, quizzes, reading, blackboard, clinicals, professors, peers. But alas, two more years. Classes have been going on for a month, and I already am feeling too apathetic for my own good. I'm just looking forward to May 2017 at this point. 

And it doesn't help that in just THREE short, little days, I get to marry that guy I started dating:

I am so ready, and so excited. I can't wait to start life with Nathan and see where our lives take us. So much more than I ever imagined, and a different path than I imagined. He just makes me so happy, and I can't wait to start life together with him. Love that guy! 

So yeah, I've been a little busy, and seems like I'm only getting busier.

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