I actually had to work at McDonald's on Christmas Eve, which wasn't too terrible. We were actually very busy, so the four hours went by very quickly. While I was at work, the rest of the family headed up to northern Virginia per tradition to spend Christmas Eve with some great family friends that we have known since Gray and I were the little kids in the family. It started snowing as they were up there, but thankfully they were still able to get home--it was just the usual couple of inches here in Virginia.
Evan helping me make some Christmas Fudge!
Every year, we all get a new pair of Christmas pajamas, and we open them on Christmas Eve. We usually make reindeer food with the little kids, too. Well, Christmas Eve got a little crazy this year. We'll just say that several of the little kids went to bed crying, and pajamas were not opened up... at first. Dad did reindeer food with the boys and helped Ryan set out cookies and carrots for Santa and reindeer. Mom fell asleep in her room while all that was going down, and was grumpy because the house was a tad bit messy and the presents were not all wrapped yet. She woke up about an hour later, asked where everyone was, got mad Dad didn't take any pictures, and then she got everyone out of bed to open up pajamas. Sometimes life is a little crazy with so many people. Especially around the holidays!
Evan passed out all of the pajamas. It was a good test to see whose name he knew and whose he didn't!
Kemmey Kids, 2012
We ended up heading to bed around 1:30 or so, I think. Pretty good this year. We are always a last-minute wrapping family. Mom wishes every year that we will be done by December 1st. I don't think that will ever happen.
Christmas morning is always a little bit rough after wrapping presents into the wee hours of the morning. But, with believers still hopping around the house, they are allowed to wake up at 7:00am. They try for about an hour to wake the rest of us up. All of the teenagers in the house sleep in until the last minute, when Dad finally crawls out from under his own covers and he forces us awake. If I remember correctly, this year, I think Dad got out of bed and got out his old trumpet and blasted it in the bedrooms. We began Christmas morning around 8am.
Harrison and Tanner
Cute, cute Evan and I
Bryce got the Skylanders XBox game. I will never understand the fascination with video games!
Evan got tired of unwrapping his own gifts, and was easily satisfied with everyone else's trash.
Rachel was too funny. She usually has a little gift for everyone in the family. This year she couldn't think of anything for Dad, so I suggested she just make him some yummies... he had been asking me to make them (yummies are saltine cracker toffee treat. yum.). So she made up a batch, and put them in the freezer downstairs. Because they have to be kept frozen, she created a little map for Dad in order to find his gift. Too funny.
And after a few hours of present unwrapping, Christmas 2012 at the Kemmey house came to a close. The kids lounged around and played with their presents all afternoon, and mom and I made Christmas dinner.